My Stack

Hello Internet, I wanted to talk about my current webstack a bit.

In Short everything that I run is managed through a large docker-compose file and running in docker images.

My Server #

I got my server for free from my previous job, it was an old decommissioned Dell workstation with an upgraded XEON processor. I’ve since upgraded it’s old old ddr3 RAM to it’s maximum capacity of 24Gb; which was surprisingly cheap in 2021. It also had large storage drives for…ahem…files that have fallen off the internet.

My OS #

This server has had multiple lives with multiple os’s. It’s inherited it’s current OpenSuse environment from when I attempted to setup a side gaming environment, Suse has stuck around. If I were doing things today I would like to answer Arch Linux but SUSE has been good to me. Everything is docker anyway, the OS is simply there to host docker at this point.

My Stack #

  • Caddy Reverse Proxy:
    • I custom build my Caddy Image with Cloudflare DNS and Docker-Proxy which makes it easy to add new containers to the reverse proxy.
  • Plausible Analytics:
    • I use Plausible Analytics for my website analytics, it’s a simple self hosted analytics platform that doesn’t track users. I don’t get enough traffic to justify the cost of a paid analytics platform.
  • This Site
    • It’s a static site built with Hugo, Caddy makes it easy to serve the directory.
  • Media Management
    • This is currently Plex. I also have the known –arr companion apps. I’ve been looking into Enby but as a lifetime plex pass holder it would be hard to switch.
  • Watchtower
    • This is a docker container that watches for updates to my docker images and updates them automatically. I’ve never had an issue with it.
  • MailyGo:
    • This is actually a simple endpoint for my website form, since static site generators don’t have a backend. It’s a simple docker container that sends me an email when someone submits a form on my website. I get a lot of spam though 😑 I will not buy something submitted through my contact form.
  • More Details to come…